How To Grow Church Membership

Taryn Hefner
2 min readMay 22, 2020

If you’re finding that membership at your church or place of worship is stagnating, or even waning, you may be wondering what else you can do in addition to study groups, children’s groups, and emphasis on the younger generations! Here are some ways to grow your church membership and improve your members’ engagement.

Warm Up Your Welcomes

Most newcomers worry about whether or not they are dressed appropriately , what time they should arrive, and where to sit. Be sure you’re addressing these concerns on your website, or employ 3–4 volunteers during each service to help the new folks find their way.

Turnabout’s Fair Play!

While we’ve all been the newcomer before, it’s easy to forget what it’s like. Send a few members out into the community to different churches and remind them of what it’s like to be the new kid on the block once again. Encourage them to come back with ideas on how to make the church more inviting for new members.

Improve Your Accessibility

This one covers a lot of topics! You should have microphones for your speakers (yes, even the ones who project their voices well), and captions for those who are deaf or hard of hearing. Your entrances should be accessible to people using mobility devices like walkers or wheelchairs, instead of relegating them to a back entrance or no entrance at all. Consider making your space fragrance-free to accommodate those with chemical sensitivities.

Your website should be functional, fast, and filled with information about how to get in touch and what to expect at a service. Record sermons and post them online, or livestream them for members who don’t live in the area but still want to be involved. Use social media to your advantage and encourage current members to share about the church online. Consider creating a section of your website for distance members!

Improve Your Communication

Sending the same email newsletter every month can quickly get you relegated to the Trash folder. Use inviting imagery, change the layout of your emails, and use a service that lets you evaluate your performance. Which emails do people open the most, and which ones do they unsubscribe from?

Spend Less Time Behind A Desk

The last thing you want to do is spend all your spare time behind a desk managing paperwork, keeping track of member renewals, and hunting down payment. Invest in a service like Join It that does it all for you so you can get back to your congregation.

If you’re looking for more ways to help grow your membership, let Join It help! Sign up today for a free 14-day trial , or for more information about how we can help!

Originally published at



Taryn Hefner

Marketing Manager at Big fan of snacks. Like, in general.